St. Louis School T.C. Ching Learning & Technology Center

Honolulu, Hawaii
The new Learning and Technology Center at St. Louis High School provides a much-needed addition to the educational facilities at this historic institution. The siting of the structure enhances the campus plan by incorporating the adjacent courtyard plaza as the entry to the complex. The new Arts Complex reflects the imagery of the existing campus architecture and encloses the existing Mamiya Theater courtyard, which is currently flanked by Mamiya Theater and Newell Hall. Integrated into the building design, a 65-foot high clock tower terminates the courtyard axis and will be visible throughout the entire campus, serving as a campus landmark.
The 23,000 sf three story Arts Complex sits against a hill and can be entered from either of two entrances on the first floor adjacent to the courtyard or from the second floor off Ahuimanu Drive. Dual entrances are provided on the first floor to honor the two majority contributors to the project. An open stairway connects the first and second floor lobbies both visually and functionally.
Education - Secondary
Completed 2010