Zukeran Elementary School

Ginowan City, Okinawa
This project is for a new 13,240 sm (143,386 sf) Elementary School (ES), and will replace the existing Zukeran ES at Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan. The new school will serve approximately 600 students from Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) through Grade 5. The design incorporates 21st Century Education concepts, which support an inquiry-based and collaborative, learning environment. The facility includes Pre-K/Sure Start Learning Studios, Kindergarten through fifth grade Learning Studios, Exploratory Learning Spaces, (multi-purpose) Commons areas, a full service kitchen, gymnasium, Information Center, administrative offices, counseling offices, and support spaces. Project scope includes site and utility planning, stormwater management, circulation, parking, unloading/loading schemes, and landscape design.
This program addresses DODEA’s 21st Century Education Facilities Specifications, functional relationships, phasing, constructability, budget, environmental impact, US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (USGBC LEED) requirements, and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP).
Education - Primary
Construction complete 2018